April 20, 2017:  Mayor Dan Mathieson “Update of City of Stratford”.  Ed Dujlovic will introduce our speaker and Roger Black will thank our speaker.

Head Table:  Our President Kevin Silver, invites, Ed Dujlovic, Gary Morris, Mike Neilson, Ken Nesbitt, Kevin Nonomura, Berny Nymeyer and Rick Orr, to join him at the head table.
President conducting meeting
Our speaker Jennifer Christie
Our speaker flanked by President and past President
This Week:  Our regular Thursday meeting took place Wednesday evening with our annual Urban/Rural night at the Rotary Complex. Chair and past president Wendy Anderson welcomed a sold out crowd to this event that began in 1927 with a picnic in the park. What a marvellous evening it was to be able to mingle with fellow Rotarians, and agricultural and city friends. Wendy thanked her team, the Interact club and the sponsors that made the event possible.
The event helps support the Stratford Perth Museum, and within the museum is the Agricultural Wall of Fame. At the event three more candidates were installed into the Wall of Fame--Tom Graham( deceased}, Linda Weitzel, and Gary West. It is really interesting to hear the background and contributions of these agricultural leaders. I was particularly impressed with Linda's role as she was responsible for the formation of the Perth Care for Kids. Some 33,000 children were provided with safe child care and nurturing during the farming season in 2016. Tom's motto of " tell the story of agriculture where ever you go" really sums up why we continue to sponsor the Rural/Urban evening.
Our speaker, Jennifer Christie, shared her vision of women in agriculture. What a fresh breath of air she was! With a background in 4H, a graduate degree in agriculture, and some 10 years with John Deere, Jennifer was very equipped to tell us about the importance of women in agriculture. She did mention that through the years she became friends with Heather Anderson as a result of 4H shows and university. She also gave credit to the women in her family for encouraging her to make agriculture her life.
As Jennifer pointed out--google agriculture leaders-- and up pops the names of men, not women, despite the fact that there are thousands of women working full time in agriculture. Jenny, Romey, and Deb are three young women trying to change the landscape in agriculture--along with Jennifer. Jennifer is aware that promoting women in key positions in agriculture will not happen overnight. There are barriers for women --balancing family and work, the old boy's club, and few female role models-- that need to be overcome. However the goal must be pursued to empower and connect women in agriculture. Jennifer mentioned how social media has been a real help in connecting with women. Through Facebook, agricultural groups are sharing their thoughts and ideas, and helping to promote and raise the profile of women in agriculture. She has been able to promote events as well--some 14 since 2013 via facebook. In her conclusion Jennifer mentioned about the need for stories, and she ended with " if we do nothing, there will be no results". Jennifer was thanked by Steve Rae.
Steve stayed at the microphone to distribute prizes, and the 50/50 draw. Rick Orr announced that the draw generated over $2300. The winner--whose name escapes me-- turned his portion back to the club!!! What a great way to end a great evening.
Scribe : Wilhelm Zitrone

Rotary members manning the booth
Sold out capacity
Band members Thorns and Roses
Inductee Linda  Weitzel
Inductee Gary West
Inductee Tom Graham
Photos from Home and Garden show
Make-ups: No report
April’s Attendance Committee:  Patty Riehl (I/C),  Geeza Wordofa, Sarah Hamza, Gary Morris, Pat Shewen, Ron Shaw, Roger Black, Mark Smith, Tony Carter