Fellow Rotarians,
To begin, I want to welcome our newest club member Heather Butera. Heather was inducted during last week’s meeting. She will be a great addition to our club, demonstrating a desire to help others in need.
As the summer quickly comes to an end, we will be moving forward to our busy time. First off, Barnegat’s Pirates day will be held on September 11th. from 8:00am to around 4:00pm. I am looking for volunteers to man a table promoting our Club, handing out informative brochures. I know it is a busy time for everyone so we will be breaking the day up into 2-3 hour shifts. Michael Dimino has offered to keep track and schedule our members. If interested in volunteering please reach out to Mike. We will man the table as long as possible, this is a great way to show the public what Rotary is all about and possibly gain some new members. Second, our fall CornHole tournament will be on October 9th. I am looking for volunteers to serve on the Cornhole Committee to help organize and help set up on the day of the tournament. If you are interested please reach out to me via text or email. Also I am looking for sponsorships for this event. Once again the cost will be $100 for the video sponsorship which will be shown on the day of the event in addition to our social media account. The flyers will be out sometime this week. Third, I will be setting up our Santa Run Committee in the next few weeks. If you are interested in being on the committee, reach out to me via text or email. The Santa Run will be held on November 27th.
In regards to the Community Assessment Committee, several members have expressed interest in joining. So far Dave Marriott, Suzie Wheeler, Connie Jeremias, Bill Ridgway, and myself are on the committee. I have spoken to Michele Cucinotta of Barnegat BOE, she related that “Barnegat Communities That Care” have conducted a recent needs assessment. She will be joining our committee to share their results. We will be setting the date for our first meeting within the upcoming weeks.
In regards to the Youth Service Committee, several members have expressed interest in joining. So far Suzie Block, MaryFrancis Smolens, Donna Lamberty, Connie Jeremias, Bill Ridgway and myself are on the committee. We will be setting the date for our first meeting within the upcoming weeks.
Now that the summer is winding down, I encourage each member to attend our meetings. Bill has started to schedule weekly speakers again, and the increased attendance is a good reflection on our club. We will be posting upcoming speakers in our monthly newsletter.
In closing, I want to thank each member for their dedication to our Club. With your continuing support The Rotary Club of Barnegat has the potential to become Barnegat Township’s premier Community Service Organization, assisting those in need.