A letter from Sue Bodenner
In last months Rotarian you may have read on pg 53 that The Rotary Foundation will grant only 3 of the big 3H grants next Rotary year to the countries of Ghana, Dominican Republic, and Philippines.  The grant will be much larger than the 100-300,00 USD amount in the past and are demonstration grants to show a much larger impact.  The country Rotarians are asked to put a strategy together for the entire country for safe water and sanitation.  The Dominicans were told that because they have had over five years of grants in this area, are very organized as a country district on water/sanitation and have strong relationships with multiple districts in water The Rotary Foundation wants to award one of the grants to them.  6290 will be the Lead supporting district and 6360 (Charles Jespersen) will be supporting partner district.  Each of our districts will have a committee of five people and all five will need to make a site visit during the course of the grant. 

What is exciting to Dominican Rotarians is the size of the grant 1.5-2Million!.  They need to find 500,000 in funds from districts and other clubs from previous partnerships in grants to get the maximum match.  Another unique fact is USAid will match dollars.  So if your club could make a commitment to be part of this 3H grant (funds needed in fall 2009), each dollar would be matched by 6290 DDF/Thirsting to Serve, The Rotary Foundation and USAid...in other words every dollar your club donates brings 3 more.

You know the need in the Dominican Republic.  The Dominican Rotarians will be including every club in their district to do HydrAid BioSand Filters (the plastic) and latrines in each club's poorest bario or battey.  Please bring to your club this opportunity to be part of ground breaking work in the foundation with Dominican Rotarians that have major challenges in their community and make a dramatc difference.  The Rotary Foundation has decided that by bringing all of the Rotarians in the country together in one strategy and having USAid join with additional funds for sanitation and education that a more dramatic and lasting change can be made in the lives of many more people than possible in the former 3H grants.

It is my hope that your club will join this effort.  Bob Hildreth and his committee need the attached commitment letter as soon as possible so the grant can be submitted July 1.  Again, the funds are not expected to be needed until fall 2009.