Dr. Christopher (Chris ) Lai, Director of Curans Heart Centre, a full spectrum,( "One Stop for Cardiac care") model, may have surprised the members and guests today, by not speaking directly about cardiac health, but his topic "Cannabis Babies" was well worth it indeed.

Dr. Lai has a wealth of experience in holistic care in general. His career in cardiology is nonpareil.
Today he enlightened us on the history, pharmacodynamics, neurologic ramifications and societal impact of cannabis use in the reproductive stages of life.
 Most have heard of FASD and opioid withdrawal in newborns. What about "weed" though?

The big questions are: how safe is cannabis use in pregnant women and their offspring at and after birth all the way up to say 18 years of age?

Though cannabis use in adults in moderation for whatever indication/reason is not in the same league as say heroin for addiction, chronic use in pregnancy and youths is fraught with danger. Many believe it is a developmental neurotoxin that can result in various neurologic disorders and predispose to mental health problems galore later in life.

 Dr Lai made this serious topic come to life. His infectious humor added to what was a memorable occasion.

Chris was suitably introduced and thanked by his old buddy, Rotarian Bruce Nelson. They are both pictured along with President Rod Morrison.