Posted by Maria Hudolin on Sep 24, 2019

Albert BrulĂ©, CEO of United Way Thunder Bay introduced himself to the club and explained both his own motivation and passion for United Way Thunder Bay, as well as detailing the innovative, new "Help Make Them #Unignorable" Campaign. 

The campaign this year has inaugurated a catchy colour background (Pantone coral-orange), with distinctive foci on Hunger, Domestic Violence, Homelessness and Education Inequality. In other words, changing the conversation (slightly) from strictly dollar accumulation to community impact  (problem issues listed) as the overarching mission.

At the conclusion Albert could clearly see connections between the service work of Rotary and the community building of United Way. Alignment and synergy is there.
Information material was made available.

Albert is pictured with President Rod Morrison, who introduced and thanked our guest. Thank you Albert.