Teacher Apprenticeship Program in Ohio

Did you know that  Ohio held a series of regional meetings in March and April in 2023  to discuss the proposed new teacher apprenticeship program in Ohio?  For those who attended the sessions, an email was sent out to submit information by May 12, 2023 to indicate interest in this program and the partnerships for next school year.  My understanding is that the hope is that the  official application will be approved and ready by this summer.  The goal is to develop quality educators to meet the needs of our students, districts, and communities, to support educator candidates by providing a more collaborative and cost-effective pathway to the teaching profession, and by removing barriers, a more diverse candidate pool may strive to join the teaching profession.

Low Incidence Sensory Disabilities (LISD) Grant Funded Programs:  
Intervention Specialist: Visually Impaired Licensure Program (TVI)
A graduate level 22-credit hour program offering coursework leading to licensure as a teacher of students with visual impairments (TVI). The online program is designed to be completed in one year and applicants must hold a valid Ohio teaching license and be willing to work in Ohio in this field for three of the next five years.   
Intervention Specialist: Hearing Impaired Licensure Program (THI)
A graduate level 24-credit hour program offering coursework leading to teacher licensure in Deaf/hard of hearing education (THI). The online program will be completed in one year and applicants must hold a valid Ohio teaching license and be willing to work in Ohio in this field for three of the next five years.  
Intervener Certificate Program
A 30-credit hour, two-year undergraduate program leading to a Shawnee State issued Intervener Technical Certificate. An intervener supports a student who is deafblind or has dual sensory loss throughout the instructional day.   
Grant funding provided by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, Office for Exceptional Children and support from the Ohio Deans Compact. 
Please review this flyer for more information. Contact Kelli Smith, Lead Officer, ksmith3@shawnee.edu or 740-351-3571, for more information. 
OAPSA is a proud member of the National Coalition on Personnel Shortages in Special Education and Related Services (NCPSSERS) which is a national coalition comprised of 30+ participating member organizations, dedicated to addressing the issue of shortages in special education and related services personnel in schools. Critical shortages of special education teachers and related specialized instructional support personnel exist in all regions of the country. These shortages, as well as unfunded positions, impede the ability of students with disabilities to reach their full academic potential.  For more information about this group and an exceptional list of resources connected to recruitment and retention of Special Education and Related Service Staff please visit their web site at https://specialedshortages.org/ or contact OAPSA Executive Director, Donna Stelzer at OAPSA.DonnaStelzer@gmail.com