Welcome to another issue of our club bulletin! Here you will find information on upcoming events and projects and summaries of recently past events. Please read on and stay up to date on club happenings.
Our Interact Club
Shortly before the holidays the Governor Livingston Interact club created a recording of members telling over fifty funny jokes for the patients of Children's Specialized Hospital.
On December 20 the Interact Club also assisted the GLHS PTO clothing drive. Students masked up and unloaded donations from cars and loaded them onto the truck taking the donations.
An article that appeared in TAPinto can be found by clicking below.
The Rotary Club of Berkeley Heights currently has raffle tickets available for two separate raffles. The District 7475 Foundation 50/50 Raffle drawing will be held on May 27. Tickets are $20 and there are almost 100 prizes. Berkeley Heights Rotary will receive almost $10 per ticket sold and this amount will go towards the selling member's annual Rotary Foundation donation. The second raffle is "Super Bowl in Your Living Room". The prizes included a 65" flat screen tv with sound system. This drawing will be held on January 29.
Tickets for both raffles can be purchased online and the ticket stubs will be mailed/emailed to you. What could be easier??!! Please consider purchasing.
Brittney Woodrum, an ambassador for Shelterbox addressed our January 13 meeting attendees. During the summer and early fall of 2020 Brittney scaled every one of the 58 Colorado peaks in excess of 14,000 feet. The project was aptly named "The Fourteeners Project". Climbing all of Colorado's 58 14,000 foot peaks is usually something that people put on a bucket list for their lifetime. Brittney did it in less than ninety days and raised $80,000 for Shelterbox along the way. Brittney will be scaling peaks in New Hampshire this summer and the Berkeley Heights Rotary has pledged to sponsor a peak. If you would like to donate to this cause please click the link below to make a donation.
Rotary District 7475 has been holding regularly scheduled webinars concerning the Opioid epidemic. The purpose of these meetings is to spread awareness on substance abuse disorder and offer recovery resources. Past seminars have been well worth taking part in. The upcoming webinar is on January 21 from 12-1:30p via Zoom. Both members and guests are welcome to attend.
We meet the Second and Fourth Wednesdays each month at 12:15p at the Chimney Rock Inn and the Third Wednesday of each month at 8:00am at the Berkeley Heights VFW Hall.
Until further notice all meetings are online due to the Covid 19 pandemic.