Special Projects
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Proudly display the U.S. flag at your home or business on U.S. Holidays and support your country, community and honor those who serve our country along with many other Hays citizens who already proudly display the American flag.
The Kiwanis Club of Hays provides this service in the Hays area. For yearly fee of $40, we will provide a 3’x5’ U.S. Flag, a pole and bracket for proper display of the U.S. Flag on the following five United States holidays:
  • Memorial Day
  • Flag Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Veterans Day
On those five holidays, the Kiwanis Club will place the flag out at sunrise and retire the flag at sunset at your location within the city limits of Hays. It’s as easy as that! You don’t have to buy a flag and pole, you don’t have to store the flag and pole, you don’t have to look for the flag and pole on these holidays. You don’t even have to remember all of those holidays – Kiwanis will do all that for you!
The Kiwanis Club of Hays has been serving the Hays community since 1953 and is a part of Kiwanis International, a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. Kiwanis members are your neighbors and desire to make Hays the best place in the world to live and raise a family.
Download the flag agreement, fill it out and MAIL with a $40 check payable to Hays Kiwanis to PO Box 344, Hays, KS  67601.