The Appleton Fox Cities Kiwanis Club has a rich history of helping others in the Appleton community. Recently, Kiwanis approached the Appleton Police Department searching for a way to help child and adult victims that the police encounter.
One suggestion was that Kiwanis adopt the departments “soft room”, a room within the police station dedicated to providing a comfortable area for victims, adults and children. Kiwanis offered to makeover the room as a service project. Led by member Dawn Malcom who contacted area furniture stores for donations, the club was successful in developing a relationship with Bob’s Discount Furniture who donated beautiful furniture to finish off the area.
Kiwanis members cleaned, organized, and purchased items to renovate this room. When the project was completed, the Appleton Police Department was happy that there was now a more comfortable environment for victims to talk with officers -a more relaxed setting for any victim, who are often going through a very difficult time.