There were 35 members in attendance with Les & Mindy visiting from the Aktion Club. Many special occassions and happy dollars were shared by members. This was Dave Jaskey's last meeting and he was recognized for his service to the club and community and for his friendship! Good luck Dave and keep in touch!! Vern reported a can drop of $68.30 and stated that the year to date revenue is over the budgeted amount! Linda reported that the Aktion Club met last Monday and served popcorn last night at the Farmer's Market. Volunteer hours are due to Vern for monthly reports asap. President Palmer reminded members that the board of directors will meet on Friday morning at the Uptown Cafe at 7:00 am.
Angie Healy had the program today. She invited Ken Paxton to share the results of the Greene County Workforce Housing Study from June 2016. More than 800 persons who work in Greene County responded to the survey, a large enough sample to provide statistically accurate information, Paxton said. Key points included that 25% of Greene County workers live outside of the county which is higher than other area surveys done recently. The main reason for living out of the county appeared to be lack of housing. The full report can be found here. Thanks to Angie and Ken for the interesting program!