Posted by Tim Buenz on May 09, 2018
There were 26 members in attendance with Les visiting from the Aktion Club. Vern reported a can drop deposit of $75.25. Vern also read the May 4th board of directors meeting minutes. Kathy reported that the Aktion Club met last Monday and they are having a picnic at Kelso Park on May 16th at 6:00pm. The club will be griilling for Bell Tower in the beverage garden. The club will also be serving food and grilling for the GCHS Construction & Interior Design open house on East Wilcoxway on May 22nd from 5-7pm.
President Vicky Lautner had the program today. She invited Diane Wise from Grand Junction to speak about Organ Donation. Diane is a mentor for the Iowa Donor Network and spoke about her experience with her donation of a kidney. More information on the Iowa Donor Network can be found here. Thanks to Vicky and Diane for the interesting program!