The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on October 13, 2023. President protem Chad Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Butterfield, Sherry Palmer, Bill Steussy, Clancy Clawsen and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Hollie Roberts, Don Van Gilder, Larry Teeples, Bill Monroe were absent.
A motion was made by Butterfield and seconded by Steussy to approve the September board minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Raney shared the September and year end Ttreasurer’s report. Buenz made a motion to approve the report as presented. Butterfield seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Audit Committee (S.Palmer, Hammen, and Butterfield) is working to conduct an audit of the 2022-2023 financial statements.
Current Membership: 29 members
Leave of Absence: none
Resignations: none
New Membership:
Aktion Club: No report
Greeters/Program - We will need programs for Oct. 18 and Nov. 22.
Pancake Breakfast update - short on workers. Advertisements coming out, supplies have been ordered, tickets need sold.
Bike Helmets - A grant has been secured through Unity Point for 90 Bike Helmets that will go to 4th graders in GCE. Discussion was held about seeking a grant through GCCF if there is a need for bicycles this year.
Roller Skate storage project is on hold for more research.
Bookworm Vending Machine: Buenz shared a potential literacy project for a vending machine to hold books for students to access with a token. The token could be earned for positive behavior or other incentives. More information will be gathered.
Real Colors: 15-20 GCHS and ICCC Career Academy students have the opportunity to participate in a leadership training called Real Colors. It will be led by an ISU staff person in November. The cost is $20 per student. Hammen made a motion to approve upto $400 be given to the registration fees,
Butterfield seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Upcoming Events
Oct 28 Pancake Breakfast
Salvation Army Bell Ringing Dec. 8 & 9 (14 slots) Will inquire with the Interact Club at GCHS to help fill slots
Dec. 23 Adopt A Family Pick up - will need 5 volunteers
March 10, 2024 - Chicken Dinner
Club Opportutnity to volunteer at Midwest Mission
Adjourn –
Board Meeting November 10, 2023
Bookworm Vending Machine: Buenz shared a potential literacy project for a vending machine to hold books for students to access with a token. The token could be earned for positive behavior or other incentives. More information will be gathered.
Real Colors: 15-20 GCHS and ICCC Career Academy students have the opportunity to participate in a leadership training called Real Colors. It will be led by an ISU staff person in November. The cost is $20 per student. Hammen made a motion to approve upto $400 be given to the registration fees,
Butterfield seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Upcoming Events
Oct 28 Pancake Breakfast
Salvation Army Bell Ringing Dec. 8 & 9 (14 slots) Will inquire with the Interact Club at GCHS to help fill slots
Dec. 23 Adopt A Family Pick up - will need 5 volunteers
March 10, 2024 - Chicken Dinner
Club Opportutnity to volunteer at Midwest Mission
Adjourn –
Board Meeting November 10, 2023