The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on October 11, 2024. President Chad Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:03 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Buenz, Chad Butterfield, Clancy Clawson, Denny Hammen, Randy Monthei, Mike Palmer, Scott Peterson, Bill Raney, Karen Shannon, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Sherry Palmer, Larry Teeples and Kathy Pittman were absent.

A motion was made by Butterfield and seconded by Raney to approve the September board minutes with a correction to Clawson’s attendance. Motion carried.

Raney shared the September Treasurer’s report. Buttefield made a motion to approve the report as presented. Clawson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Raney shared that 990 Federal forms have been filed and he is preparing to submit the appropriate paperwork to maintain the nonprofit status of the Club through the Secretary of State office.

Current Membership: 29 members
Leave of Absence: none
Resignations: none
New Membership: Teresa Hagen turned in an application for membership. Raney made a motion to approve her membership, seconded by Buenz. Motion carried. Induction will take place Wednesday, October 23. Hammen will emcee.
Aktion Club: No report

Book Vending Machine - Shannon will get an update on this project so our funds can be distributed as needed. Buenz is willing to seek out a micro-grant if additional funding is needed.
Pancake Breakfast - Publicity is underway. Sell tickets.

2024-2025 Budget - Raney presented the 2024-2025 Kiwanis budget. Discussion was had on covering the membership dues increase by transferring funds from the Activity to the Administrative fund. After discussion, Butterfield made a motion to transfer $2,500 from the Activities Fund to the Discretionary Fund to have additional dollars available to fund projects. Seconded by Hammen. Motion carried. Following these discussions, Hammen made a motion to approve the 2024-2025 budget. Seconded by M. Palmer. Motion carried.

Audit Committee - Chad Butterfield, Sherry Palmer, and Denny Hammen were designated to carry out an audit of the treasurer’s reports for 2023-2024. Slate of Officers and Directors - Shannon made a motion to approve the following officers: Chad Stevens - President, Chad Butterfield - President Elect, Scott Peterson - Vice President, Karen Shannon Secretary, Bill Raney - Treasurer. Board Members: (2024) Bill Stuessy, Denny Hammen, Hollie Roberts (2025) Tim Buenz, Larry Teeples, Sherry Palmer (2026) Jim Tuesch, Clancy Clawson, Kathy Pittman, (2027) Randy Monthei, Mike Palmer, Loren Turner, Bill Monroe. Motion seconded by Butterfield. Motion carried.

Rotary Auction - Discussion was had about trade the purchase of a Rotary Auction table for tickets to the Pancake Breakfast. It was determined we would not trade
Upcoming Events - Pancake Breakfast

Adjourn 7:51 a.m.