The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on October 7, 2022. President-elect Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Jim Teusch, Bill Monroe, Karen Shannon, Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen, Hollie Roberts, and Chad Butterfield. Board members Mike Palmer, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Colton Cunningham, and Larry Teeples were absent. Vern Foje and Bob Schwarzkopf were also present.
A motion was made by Roberts and seconded by Buenz to approve the board minutes as written for the September board meeting. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Hammen and seconded by Butterfield to approve the club’s financial records from the month of September as presented by Schwarzkopf. Motion carried.
Special recognition and gratitude was expressed to Bob Schwarzkopf for his dedicated service to the Jefferson Kiwanis Club as Treasurer for many years. We appreciate Bob giving of his time and talents with meticulous financial record keeping for the Club over the years.
Leave of Absence: none
Resignations: A motion was made by Roberts to accept the letter of resignation from Tim Christensen,
Hammen seconded. Motion carried.
New Membership: A motion was made by Butterfield to approve the following new members: Mike Richards, Brett Abbotts, and Clancy Clawson. Steussy seconded. Motion carried.
Rotary Partnership No report
Bike Helmets/Rodeo
Buenz reported. This event is tentatively set for the week of April 17, in conjunction with Greene County Elementary, Unity Point, and Jefferson Telecom Foundation. A grant obtained from Unity Point paid for 100 helmets. Jefferson Telecom Foundation will be providing 100 bikes (one for every 3rd grader). A subcommittee will be developed to finalize plans. Hammen made a motion for the Club to purchase 26 additional helmets for approximately $240. Stuessy seconded. Motion
Pancake Breakfast
Tickets are still for sale. Workers needed for the day of the event. An organizational meeting will be held Tues, Oct. 25 at 5:30 p.m. at the high school. All welcome and encouraged to attend. Next year we may need to place an order for new yard signs.
Breakfast Update
Hammen took some notes to communicate to Junkyard.
Wild Rose Toy Drive
The event is slated for Dec 3 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Wild Rose Casino. The club will collect toys to donate and publicize the event.
Shop with a Cop no report
Salvation Army
Foje will be in communication with Pastor Alexander. We will need bell ringers.Aktion Club Roberts reported that dues are current, background checks are completed. Membership Packet/Brochure Buenz updated a brochure to give to new or potential members. The membership packet could include an officer installation program, brochure, and dues information.
Brochures could also be placed in the new resident bags.
Brochures could also be placed in the new resident bags.
Proposed administrative budget
Schwarzkopf presented the proposed administrative budget. Hammen made a motion to approve the budget as presented which included a $5.00 raise to quarterly member dues. The motion was seconded by Butterfield. Motion carried. The dues raise will be presented to the club for final approval.
Proposed service account budget
Schwarzkopf presented the proposed service account budget. Buenz moved to accept the budget as presented. Hammen seconded. Motion carried.
Adoption of banking resolution for Home State Bank
Butterfield made a motion that the board resolve to authorize William D. Raney, Treasurer, and Sherry L. Palmer, Director, as authorized signers on the club’s checking account at Home State Bank and to remove Robert A. Schwarzkopf, all in accordance with the Home State Bank banking resolution form, a copy of which is attached to and incorporated by this reference into these minutes. Hammen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Adoption of banking resolution for Peoples Bank
Hammen made a motion that the board resolve to authorize William D. Raney, Treasurer, and Sherry L. Palmer, Director, as authorized signers on the club’s checking account at Peoples Bank and to remove Robert A. Schwarzkopf, all in accordance with the Peoples Bank banking resolution form, a copy of which is attached to and incorporated by this reference into these minutes. Steussy seconded. Motion carried.
Appoint Audit Committee
Palmer and Raney were appointed to the committee.
Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned by President Teusch at 7 :58 AM with a motion made by Butterfield and second by Buenz. Motion carried.
October Board Minutes taken by Secretary Shannon.
Board Meeting November 4, 2022