The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on March 4, 2022. President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Christensen, Bill Steussy, Hollie Roberts, Tim Buenz, Sherry Palmer, Loren Turner, Jim Teusch, Mike Palmer, Bill Monroe, Bob Schwarzkopf, Thomas Laehn, and Bill Raney (subbing for Alexis Stevens). Chad Stevens, Denny Hammen, and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Visitor Jody Melcher was also present.
A motion was made by Christensen and seconded by Monroe to approve the board minutes as written for the February board meeting. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Turner and seconded by Sherry Palmer to approve the club’s financial records from the month of February as presented by Schwarzkopf. Motion carried.
Leave of Absence: Larry Teeples until further notice, Vern Foje: January 1 to April 1, 2022.
Resignations: Toni and Matt Wetrich have both resigned their memberships to the club. Motion by Sherry Palmer and second by Buenz to accept their resignations. Motion passed.
New Membership: Membership now stands at 32. The board discussed renewing efforts to recruit new members. Strategies to recruit new members was discussed.
Chicken Dinner: Tim Buenz reported on plans to pick up needed supplies next Friday, March 11th . We have set our number with Staley’s at 350. The dinner will be held March 13th , 2022 at the high school.
Junkyard Meeting Room: Sherry Palmer indicated that a work session to paint the meeting room will be scheduled in May.
Packets for New Members:
Discussion continued on member recruitment and the need for an updated brochure describing the club’s activities and involvement in the community. Resources are available at our Kiwanis International website. Laehn, Raney, and Foje will work on an updated member packet and a brochure to market the club to prospective members.
Election of Officers and Directors:
Schwarzkopf reminded the board that our annual meeting will need to be set for May 11 th . President Teusch will need to appoint a nominating committee by April 6 th to
nominate officer positions (secretary and treasurer), a new vice president-elect, and 3 board members. A motion to set the annual meeting for May 11 th was made by Christensen, seconded by Turner, and carried.
nominate officer positions (secretary and treasurer), a new vice president-elect, and 3 board members. A motion to set the annual meeting for May 11 th was made by Christensen, seconded by Turner, and carried.
Website Sponsorships:
Our website has an annual cost of $460 and is paid by selling a revolving ad to various business for $50 each. Suggestions were made by the board to fill up the required 9 spots.
Greene County Youth Athletic Association:
Last year, the club donated $250 to this organization. A motion was made by Monroe, seconded by Sherry Palmer and carried to donate $250 to GCYAA.
Coffee Carafes:
Tim Buenz suggested that the club purchase coffee carafes to relieve the club of having to borrow this item for pancake and chicken dinner events. Tim suggested purchasing 5 carafes at a cost of $135. Motion was made by Monroe and second by Mike Palmer to approve purchase. Motion carried.
Invitation for Nebraska-Iowa Governor’s Visit:
Jody Melcher, a former N-I District Governor and current member of the Nevada Kiwanis Club invited the club to participate in the N-I District Governor’s visit to the district on July 23,2022 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The visit will take place at the Miracle League Field in Ames, an all-inclusive field and playground for kids. Activities will include a barbeque and a baseball game. The club is encouraged to invite and bring Aktion Club members. Jefferson Kiwanis made a monetary donation to support the construction of this facility.
Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned by President Teusch at 8:00 AM with a motion made by Roberts and second by Turner. March Board Minutes taken by Interim Secretary Raney.
Chicken Dinner March 13, 2022
Board Meeting April 1, 2022
Chicken Dinner March 13, 2022
Board Meeting April 1, 2022