The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on February 4, 2022. President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Christensen, Denny Hammen, Bill Steussy, Hollie Roberts, Chad Stevens, and Tim Buenz. Sherry Palmer, Loren Turner and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Officers present included Jim Teusch, Mike Palmer, Bill Monroe, Bob Schwarzkopf, Thomas Laehn, and Bill Raney (subbing for Alexis Stevens). Visitor Tom Heater was also present.
A motion was made by Hammen and seconded by Steussy to approve the board minutes as written for the January board meeting. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Christensen and seconded by Hammen to approve the club’s financial records from the month of January as presented by Schwarzkopf. Motion carried.
Leave of Absence: Larry Teeples until further notice, Vern Foje: January 1 to April 1, 2022.
New Membership: Chad Butterfield was approved in a motion by Christensen, second by Buenz, and passed unanimously.
Our current membership is at 34 members.
Chicken Dinner: Tim Buenz reported that supplies have been purchased for the dinner. Facilities at the high school have been assessed and are ready to go. Benitz continues to lead the club in ticket sales. The dinner will be held March 13th, 2022 at the high school.
Grill: Tom Heater reported that the Greene County Cattlemen and Lamb Producers have been contacted regarding possible interest in purchasing the grill. Tanner Lawton indicated the Cattlemen would be interested in a couple tanks and that he has contacts with other county organizations that may have interest. Heater indicated that the starting price has been set at $3,500.
Purchase of Sound System: Tim Buenz reported that the purchase has been finalized. We can continue to use the demo unit we now have until our order arrives.
Youth Protection Program: This item remains tabled at this time.
Junkyard Meeting Room: A work session to paint the meeting room will be scheduled soon.
IRS Filing: Treasurer Schwarzkopf reported that he will be filing the annual IRS Form 990EZ. This filing is required for all non-profit organizations.
Iowa Sales Tax Permit: Schwarzkopf requested approval to drop the sales tax permit filed annually by the club. This was originally used to pay sales tax for raffle proceeds. This request was approved in a motion by Christensen, seconded by Monroe, and passed.
Teen Maze: Christensen reported that Greene County Schools will not be participating in Teen Maze this year. The event will require COVID masks which is contrary to the state directive regarding masks in school. The club had budgeted $500 for this event. This budgeted amount will remain in the service account.
After Prom Funding Request: A motion was made by Roberts and seconded by Steussy to donate $100 cash and $20 in movie passes to this activity. Motion carried.
Pediatric Healthcare Request: Monroe reported on a discussion he had with Greene County Medical Center Foundation Director Nancy Houska regarding a donation the club could make to support children. The board discussed several possible areas. Upon a motion by Roberts and seconded by Laehn, the board approved a request of $980 to cover Emergency Room and Clinic pediatric supplies including fingertip oximeters, flavored tongue blades, and freezing sprays used for blood draws. Motion carried.
BOOST: Toni Wetrich had submitted a request for $500 from Kiwanis to support the annual BOOST fund drive. BOOST helps teachers fund activities and supplies for the school. The club continues to carry a line item of $500 in the budget for this event. Christensen motioned to approve, seconded by Hammen, and carried.
Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned by President Teusch at 7:25AM with a motion made by Chad Stevens. Motion carried.
February Board Minutes taken by Interim Secretary Raney.
Board Meeting March 4, 2022
Chicken Dinner March 13th