The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on December 3, 2021. President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Board members in attendance were Mike Palmer, Sherry Palmer, Bob Schwarzkopf, Chad Stevens, Thomas Laehn, Bill Steussy, and Rick McCollom. Denny Hammen, Bill Monroe, Hollie Roberts, Tim Christensen, and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Members Vern Foje, and Alexis Stevens were also present.
SECRETARY: A mistake in the minutes was reported by S. Palmer. The date of Rick McCollom’s resignation should read December 31, 2021. A correction was made to correct the date. A motion was made by Schwarzkopf, seconded by Laehn to approve the corrected November board minutes as written. All approved. Motion carried.
TREASURER: A motion was made by Steussy, seconded by McCollom to approve the club’s financial records from the month of November as presented by Schwarzkopf. All approved. Motion carried.
New Membership: None Resignation: Rick McCollom will resign Dec 31. A motion to approve McCollom’s resignation with regret was made by S. Palmer and seconded by Steussy. All approved. Motion carried. Leave of Absence: Vern Foje Jan 1, 2022-April 1, 2022 For record-keeping, previous LOA requests that are current: Larry Teeples. Our current membership is at 33 members.
Chicken Dinner: The annual chicken dinner was discussed briefly. The dinner will be held March 13th , 2022 at the high school. Tim B. will have tickets printed at the Printer’s Box. Discussion was tabled until the January meeting. Salvation Army Bell Ringing: Foje advised that Salvation Bell Army Ringing will be coming up soon. The club has secured Dec 10-11 at Hy-Vee for bell ringing. The Action Club will help as well. There are a lot of time slots still available.
Audit Committee: Sherry Palmer presented the findings of the audit for the year ending Sept 30, 2021. The committee consisted of Sherry Palmer and Bill Ranney. The accounts were found to be in good standing. Teucsh called for a vote to approve. All approved, vote passed. Open Spot on the Board: There will be an open spot on the board after Rick McCollom resigns. The board will table the vote until the January meeting. Tips for Staff: The board suggested giving tips for staff. Thomas will send an email asking members to give as they are able with the suggested amount of $20 per member. The club will make up the difference to $500. If more than $500 is received the club will round up to the nearest $100. Girls’ Scout Troop 535: It is recommended that the Girls Scout BSA Troop 535 disband due to lack of participation. Kiwanians revokes their sponsorship; the money will be returned to the club. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned by President Teusch at 7:58 am. A motion was made by McCollom, seconded by Steussy to dismiss. All approved. Motion carried. December Board Minutes taken by Alexis and Chad Stevens.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Chicken Dinner March 13th
UPCOMING EVENTS: Chicken Dinner March 13th