with Funding from Pancakes on the Plaza
Read below to learn about our upcoming projects! We are very excited about working with both groups!

Santa Fe Children's Museum & Youthworks

Rotary is deeply engaged in two signature projects which will continue to support the youth and families of Santa Fe through two unique partnerships.
The Rotary Club of Santa Fe’s Centennial 2024 Project is a two-phase project. Phase One is a mobile van exhibit vehicle that will allow the Children’s Museum to reach out to new neighborhoods and communities in Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico. The Van will offer a spectrum of craft projects that will get kids thinking creatively while learning about diverse topics such as science, writing, gardening, the arts and more! These projects can either be done in sessions at the van or can be taken home for later. Centennial 2024 will also provide funding for a major renovation to the Museum’s outdoor performance venue as part of other improvements to the Museum’s “Backyard.”
In Phase Two The Rotary Club of Santa Fe will partner with YouthWorks to take the lead working with non-profits and governmental agencies to address the need to provide transitional housing as part of a complete package to offering Education, Job Training, Social and Life Skills for the community’s homeless youth in transition.
The Rotary Club of Santa Fe has targeted a goal of $750,000 over the next 5 years to complete the projects of Centennial 2024 and continue to provide “Serve above Self” to Santa Fe for another 100 years!