Aug 13, 2020
Juliana Ciano
Progam Director - Reunity Resources

Juliana Ciano is co-founder and Program Director at Reunity Resources.  Ciano grew up in Minnesota and thanks her third grade teacher for being her first inspiration to care for the planet.  After trying to decide whether to become The President or a Band Director in her 8th grade career unit, Ciano pursued Theatre Arts in her undergrad.  After relocating to Santa Fe from Minnesota for obvious reasons in 2010, Ciano met her now husband while shopping at the co-op, and between their shared interests in sustainability and ability to pretend they know what they're doing (her husband was also a Theatre major!) Reunity Resources was born, followed by two sons, now 6 and 8. If you're lucky, they'll make an appearance because they love to keep Zoom meetings interesting.