PDG Bob Deering spoke to us today about our district's new focus - Human Trafficking Prevention through education and treatment. The goal is to do a reverse grant to gather $500,000 or more to fund a program of education in our schools (5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grade) and the development of a regional assessment center.
This will be a massive effort, coordinating County and Law Enforcement Agencies (District Attorney, Probation, Child Protection Services) and Local non-profit organizations (3Strands, WEAVE, Grace Network and more), and Dignity Health. 
Once established, it can become a model for other cities to adopt.  Currently there is a district committee of about 20 people working on this. Bob's point person is Brian Gladden.
On a different note, the 4 of us must have received the memo to wear the yellow club shirts!
(Ken Fong, PDG Brian Moore, Erik Smitt, Ernie Thompson)