Chinese Medicine - Dr. Wen Chen
Chinese Medicine:  According to Taoist Theories says that the human body is a universe. Doctor Bion Que (407 BC - 310 BC) was the founder of the four methods of diagnosis in Chinese medicine. Looking. Listening/smelling, Asking and Pulse taking.
Chinese medicine and tea - One chooses according to one's unique physical condition -  Hot body needs cool Tea, cold body needs hot tea. Flower tea for spring, green tea for summer,  oolong tea for autumn, black tea for winter. For more, click on “Read More”…
Food is medicine. Doctor Chen talked about the legend of Dumpling and described the long mystery of meditation. She talked about Hua Tus and the five animal exercises. She then described martial arts and meditation illustrated by the Buddhist Shaolin Temple and Taoist Tai chi.
She got into Falun Gong ( A.K.A. Falun Dafa). Body and mind practice based on traditional Chinese culture, which has the principal of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. This is practiced by 100 million people and is taught by volunteers in parks and libraries. Dr. Chen illustrated the practice by pictures of parades and celebrations.
She illustrated the five Falun Gong exercises: Buddha stretching a thousand arms, Falun standing stance penetrating the cosmic extremes, Falin Cosmic orbit and strengthening the divine powers. In closing, she talked about the social impact with the story of the Apricot forest.
(thank you for the above notes taken by David Thorman)