Today we had Mari-Ann the Nordic Goddess come and speak to us about her vision to position the Town of Osoyoos as an international health mecca. She represented Team Canada in 2007 in Greece and came in 4th place in the World for Body Building. She grew up in Scandanavia where it wasn't unusual for a 2 year old to go on skis for an adventure. She stressed the importance of adults leading by example moving away from processed foods and genetically motified foods which is one of the leading caused of illness. Her programs are open for people all ages and feels that age is just a number. She feels passionate about teaching people how to eat healthy and heal their own bodies. Thank goodness McKia's served salad today for lunch! Mary Anne offers boot camps but offers many value added elements like healthy nutrition and a fitness plan. For more information please visit

Congrats to the Golf Committee for planning our most successful golf tournament in years!