Apple Dumpling Deli
114 N. Magnolia Street
Rockport, TX  78382
United States of America
Please accept this as notification of a Called meeting of the Rockport Rotary Charles A. Evans Scholarship Foundation to be held immediately after the Regular weekly meeting on Thursday Oct. 31.  
The purpose of the meeting will be to update members attending, about the current business entity status of our Foundation and to vote on actions we can take to reinstate our business entity and bring us into compliance with existing state regulations.  All members in good standing of the Rockport Rotary Club are members of the Foundation organization and are welcome to come take part in the meeting whether or not they attend the weekly meeting or not.
Posted on the Rockport Rotary website and included with any emails  distributed to members.
Date of Meeting: Thursday, October 31, 2019
When:  Immediately after the Rockport Rotary Club weekly mtg or 1:00 p.m. on Oct. 31, 2019.
Where:  Meeting Room of Apple Dumpling Rest, where Rotary meets each week.
Who: All members in good standing of Rockport Rotary Club are invited to attend to vote on these items presented.
What: Discussion of Status of our Foundation Business Entity in the State of Texas and acceptance of a plan of action pertaining to this matter.
Adelaide Marlatt
President of the Foundation