Destiny Mujica introduced our speaker today, Gil Hine. Gil said that this was his first time to talk about cycling. He began as a 4 year old on a bike. While a student at the University of Texas he owned a car but couldn't use it all the time so he rode his bike. After graduation, 10 years and 1 month later he was in Houston which wasn't bike friendly at the time.  So he began running marathons - after suffering some injuries he had to give up running.  He then returned to running.  He says it is a "happy sport."  "Haven't you seen the faces of runners?  They aren't smiling."  He says the benefits of cycling is it reduces stress which leads to better health. In 1982 he returned to San Antonio. Most drivers are courteous to cyclists. San Antonio has done a marvelous job supporting cyclists. When he returned to SA he joined Wheelmen 100. Originating in 1971 and qualified as a non profit in 1985. Currently there are 350-400 active members. The organization is 100% voluntary. Wheelmen 100 is a 2 part organization: social and advocacy. There are several organized rides a year. Members are from all walks of life. The group "gives back" including the San Antonio Mobility Commission and sponsors two bike education programs.
Their fundraiser this year is to benefit Earn-A-Bike! It will be in Atkins Texas at Texas Pride BBQ on Sept 21. Click HERE to learn more about it! 
Among their many projects they reached out to First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs and will sponsor the first rest stop for their fundraising ride. There is a ton of information about the Wheelmen 100 online!  Please click HERE for just one of the websites! Please click HERE to learn more about the rides!

Thank you Gil, for coming to our meeting today and sharing your story!  We hope you come back and visit us sometime soon!

As is our custom we donate a book in their honor to the Locke Hill Elementary School Library.

Brenda Jackson donated the books for September!  Thank you Brenda!