
A dedicated crew of True North Rotarians battled legions of mosquitos to undertake work on the Back Bay Cemetery. A new sign was erected adjacent to the beach by Kirby "Ouch I Hit My Thumb Again" Marshall and many weeds and other flora were felled by Gail "Bush Whacker" Cyr. Michael "I Cutta Your Limbs" Kalnay made walking the area easily on your face by trimming low lying branches.

"Rake-ateers" Janet Marshall, Jen Bond, Cameron Buddo, Paul Reddy and Maggie "I Hate Flys" Doggie did an awesome job clearing out detritus. around and between graves. Captain David "I Really Do Like Driving My Boat On Sandbars" Connelly brought us those wonderful cold tasty cans of ... well he is our Bud!

Not in picture are Rotarians Hilary "I Like to Tie One On" Jones and Zoltan "I like To Tie Two On" Kalnay who put up signs to show the directional challenged how to get from Yellowknife to the BBC.

Taking the photo is New Yellowknifer Debbie "I Am  A Cleaning Machine" Marshall helped out the Rotary crew.