President - Mak Khalil
Past President  - Pam Wood
President-Elect - Mandy Van
Secretary - Mandy Van
Treasurer - Sandeep Rathi
Victoria Crawford
Garry Maloney
Brian Powell
Asim Khawaja
Avenues of Service:
Club - David Martin, Victoria Crawford and Mak Khalil
Foundation - Sandeep Rathi
Youth - Pam Bennett 
Community - Annette Billington  and Pam Wood
Vocational - Mandy Van and Asim Khwawaja
International - Garry Maloney and Binoe Verghese
Public Image - Mandy Van, Pam Wood and Barbara Lee
Membership - Victoria Crawford and Binoe Verghese
Fund-raising - Victoria Crawford, Pam Wood, Garry Maloney, Asim Khawaja