Posted by Noel Halford
"Are you ready for the Brave New Hybrid Vocational World?" asks Vocational Service Chairman Noel Halford, as he continues to examine this frequently overlooked Rotary Avenue of Service.
What is Hybrid Working?
Defined as a working arrangement where an employee works some of their time at home, or at another remote location, and some of their time in the workplace or at a central hub.
As a result of the COVID Pandemic it appears many organisations are embracing a hybrid model of working with a combination of remote and in person work locations. One thing is for sure and that is “one size does not fit all”.
Every work place from now on will be different and success will be determined how it is managed taking into consideration culture, the industry structure and the skills and flexibility of the workforce.
There are many positives but we need to identify potential risks as well as we plan for a new workforce  culture in the future.
Employers regardless of whether they are manufacturers, service industries or a public service organisations, will need to identify and implement new management skills required to effectively manage a different work force from now on.
There will be challenges in understanding the respective situations of those who are “on site” employees and have the advantage of being able to access ongoing interaction and resources than those working remotely who may not have the same degree of personal and technical connection.
There will be a need for managers to approach their hybrid plans with fairness and empathy foremost in mind as well as recognising the many different employee circumstances that will exist.