Posted by Editor/Jo Karaolis
Thanks for the fantastic support from the Community
An extract from Jo's report to members who participated in the day.
Thank you for all you did to make (Saturdays) the events such a great success through your care of all guests, especially those of you who led tour groups. It was a lot on your shoulders looking after up to 8 people for more than two hours and giving them all such a good time.
Special thanks to Helen and Anshu who did two sessions, to Janelle for helping all over the place, and to Helen for organising and bringing the Knox boarders. They were a great help...
It was a splendid day, Jo’s house looked marvellous, Mary-Anne spoke movingly and now we just have to hear how much we earned for the Women’s Shelter.
... thank you Jo-Ann ... for creating the event and doing so much to pull it off, not to mention the huge effort she put into presenting her house and garden in the best possible way.
I want you to know that the special effort made by each of you is very, very greatly appreciated, approx. $10,000 was raised from the event including book sales. (TBC)
Jo chatting with author Mary-Anne O'Connor.
More pictures from the day - click - here.