Sep 15, 2014
Rudi Peters
Bee World Project in Hazelton

From Skeena Valley Apiary's Facebook page, Rudi writes: 

The project is usually done in third world countries but they wanted to do something at home here. Hazelton was chosen because of its economic turn down over the last few years and it flower source, fireweed. Each participant gets a micro loan that they have a year to pay back, in exchange they get five one brood box hives, which were crazy full of bees, and two full size supers for honey. All the equipment is commercial grade, which has its own problems, but it does allow them all the very high chance of producing a good honey crop in their first year. The idea was to get members from the Ksan reserve taking part of the project but with the short notice they did not get any takers so it was opened up to anyone who wanted to participate in the region. It is planned to run this again in the spring and it is hoped that with longer notice and some other people in the area to act as mentors that more people from the reserve will be willing to participate in the program.