• Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2020-2021 Installation. 2 guests from sister club in Japan, 4 guests from sister club in Chile, 4 guests from other Rotary clubs in our area.
  • James Tyrin: Rice bagging project location moved to Aunty Sally Luau Hale
  • Monthly Social: TBD
  • Club Dues: Can be paid online. Thank you to Tim and Chris for their efforts to get membership dues submitted on time.
  • District events:
  • Chester Cabral: District Grant that RCHB allocated were $576 for no match Distrct Grand and $864 for 50% District Grant.
  • Happy Dollars: 
    • Keep your happy dollar donation in an envelope and bring it to the next in-person meeting. You may contact Deborah Beaver to make a payment with your credit card or mail your check to the club. Thank you.
    • In addition, you may now pay from our new online payment system: