Pat Arling, Marcia Almquist
Peg Duenow introduced our speaker Marcia Almquist. Marcia is from the Los Chillos Milenio Rotary Club in Sangolqui, Ecuador.  Los Chillos Milenio Rotary is a young club about 17 years old. The club is located 20 kilometers from the capital city, Quito, and derives its name from the variety of maize produced in the area. 
The Los Chillos Milenio Rotary Club works with other Rotary Clubs on internationally-funded humanitarian projects. Lakeville worked with the club in 2015 – 2017 on a global grant to provide toilets, kitchens, and a computer classroom to two schools.
Marcia’s brother and our club member Darcy figured out how to create workstations that allowed teachers to be trained to use the resources as an aid to their teaching. This computer classroom has become the state of the art classroom in the area and on Saturday’s this classroom is used from students that come from far away to use the training center to practice for their college entrance exams.
Lastly, Marcia shared an invitation to visit the Rotary Club in Ecuador. Ecuador is a wonderful country with lots of diversity and wonderful sites to see.