Austin University Area
Pecan Springs Elementary
3100 Rogge Ln
Austin, TX  78723
United States of America

Cheer on the students of Pecan Springs elementary as they are knighted for their exemplary character by a knight in full regalia! This is a part of the EarlyAct FirstKnight® (or EAFK) character education program from Knights of the Guild. Sponsored by Rotary Clubs, EAFK motivates and teaches children of all backgrounds to become civil, service-oriented people during their most formative years. . Together with the Austin Cosmopolitan Rotary Club, we provide 100% financial support for the program and volunteer at the Knighting Ceremonies at the end of each six week grading period. EAFK has provided us with a way to be involved with elementary aged students on a regular basis and really witness the difference this character education program is making on the individual students, and the school as a whole.