Lakeway / Lake Travis Rotary Club took their regularly attended Thursday lunch meeting to the next level and packed over 250 meal kits for children who would normally go hungry.

The club’s Rotarians, along with special guest District Governor Shannon Coleman, put on feel-good music and put the team in teamwork preparing meal kits for children that rely on school subsidies during the week but do not have reliable access to meals during the weekend. 

Together they set up a fully functional assembly-style fulfillment center with stations around the event room at Salt Grass Steak House and got to work. With four stations, assembly was in full swing in less than 20 minutes. Rotarians brought great energy that was focused on the mission to take care of one out of four children in Texas unsure if they will have food through the weekend. After only 30 minutes, everyone was feeling pure satisfaction knowing that the mission was accomplished and bags were filled with meal kits that included eight food items, two drinks, and healthy snacks.


Partnered with Backpack Friends the Lakeway / Lake Travis Rotary club is here to ensure the brightest future for our children and the broader community by ensuring children have every opportunity to learn and thrive without hunger. With the security of having food to eat over the weekend, Backpack Friends has watched kids in their program develop more positive peer relationships and experience fewer instances of bullying. They’ve seen their behavior and academic performance rise, and as Rotarians, we are excited to announce September as Education and Literacy Advocacy Month.
