Last month saw the completion of our first Beautification Project! Volunteers from the Rotary Club of Roatan provided paint, supervision and their expertise in painting to spruce-up the exterior of The Majken Broby Childrens Home Orphanage in Gravel Bay.
Led by group of Rotarians including Herb Morici and Paul Gatlin, volunteers and orphanage staff pitched in to provide the Orphanage with a much-needed new coat of paint.

Established in 1981, the Orphanage is named in honor of the late Ms. Majken Broby, a Swiss national who contributed time and resources to get the orphanage off the ground. Almost 30 years later, over 100 children have benefited from an environment in which the health, safety and general welfare of the resident children receive substantial focus. Most of the residents come from broken homes, or homes in which the parents simply lack the resources to raise and support their children. Operating under the auspices of the Association of Baptist Churches, the home is currently staffed with 1 full-time and 1 part-time Honduran National working, as well as an American Missionary Family who act as the House Parents to the children.

Several other beautification projects are currently in various stages of development and will include several municipal buildings and schools in Coxen Hole. Each beautification project will be comprised of several key components with a particular emphasis on community involvement and participation.

The benefits of these projects go beyond the beautification of the immediate area. Those who will participate in these projects will benefit from the satisfaction of a job well-done as well as learning valuable time management and project-related skills that they will carry with them in the future. Empowering our volunteers to take ownership of their neighborhoods through involvement in projects that directly benefit their community is the long-term goal.

Rotary Club of Roatan - Beautifying our Island Home One Building at a Time.