Mike Spellman announced that the Water Service Project he’s been working on has been approved by Rotary International; a global grant will provide safe, clean water to people in Nigeria.  He will open a bank account through which money can be sent to Nigeria to begin the building project.  Monitoring will take place throughout the project.
Ken Hola gave an update on the virtual 3-mile run/walk fundraiser.  His goal is to have 100 people sign up and there are currently 92 people, 9 sponsors and 33 donations giving a total of $10,121.
Mike Spellman urged everyone to get speakers for our meetings plus encouraged everyone to explore the vast amount of information on the Rotary website.  Topics that need to be addressed by our Club include:  membership, meeting format, service projects, public image (the new look), fund raising and the different kinds of grants available.  Since we are meeting through Zoom, possible ideas discussed were having past Exchange students or Camp Ryla students be speakers or informative speakers from anywhere in the world.  Many learning opportunities can be found on the Rotary website and shared during our meetings.  And, the book, “Losing the Race” was a suggested reading regarding equity and inclusion.