Today's presenter is Ron Sekkel.  He went over some of the processes of the 2016 Rotary International Council on Legislation for the group.
Minutes of Rotary Club of SLV
October 19, 2016
Members in attendance: Judy, Don, Laurie, Janet, Linda, Joe, Julie, Mary, Eric, Cameron, Mike, Karen, Carol, Brenda, Steve, Ralph, and Franziska.
Guests: Ron Sekkel
President Karen opened the meeting with the flag salute, introductions and Thought for the Day.
Mike gave a presentation about Rotary International. Steve shared the Paul Harris Fellow he received from Wayne Williams. Mike will contact members who are “this close” to the Paul Harris recognition. 
Announcements: Avenues of Service is this Saturday. MCR’s fundraiser is Friday night from 6:00-9:00 pm. BC town sweep is November 5 from 8:00 am – 12 pm. Mike will be the greeter in November.
Detective: Brenda stumped us with questions about Redwood trees and Mary impressed us that most of our redwood trees are 50-100 years old!!
Guest Speaker: Ron Sekkel, Rotarian Extraordinaire and former Governor of District 5170
To Change or Not to Change
Rotary’s legislative body meets once every 3 years. The meeting lasts one week and you need to be a past governor in order to represent your district. The council has over 1000 representatives- one from each district. Enactments that pass can change the laws of Rotary International. The president or board can recommend an enactment though only the representatives can vote on them.
Ron was our district’s representative in 2010 where a 5th avenue of service was recommended. Ron had 2.5 minutes to try to sell the idea to the group. Many people tried to discourage Ron, but low and behold, the enactment to include Youth Service passed by 13 votes. Ron recalls the gasp in the room when it passed.
In 2016, a Korean district spoke to remove the 5th avenue of service. Ron jumped up and countered the argument. Wrap up comments were presented and the vote was taken a short time later. The vote was 104 to 365 and Youth Services remains as the 5th avenue of service.
Some of the results of the 2016 Council include: 1) Clubs must meet twice a month—though times of meetings can vary. 2) Members need only be a person of good character and be willing to serve. 3) Admission fees are eliminated. 4) No other corporate projects will be discussed until Polio is eradicated.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Haff