Last week we saw some of the marvelous youth who our school system has helped to bring up and train.  I was impressed with their pose and friendship.  I in no small way credit it to all of those teachers who put in lots of time, effort, and love into the youth of this community.  I can never thank them often enough for the work that they do.  Sometimes it can be thankless (how many times do kids complain about school and teachers), however year after year they strive to serve the world by bringing up wonderful children.  Which is why this week I am so excited to announce that we will be having the new teachers for DC schools come and join us.  What a better way to spend the noon hour than to hear what is happening over at our schools.  
So I hope that you will be there and remember to sit up straight and pay attention just like Mrs Tolzman taught you in 3rd grade!  There may be a pop quiz, that's the thing with pop quizzes, you never know when they are going to happen.  
You may be wondering about the answer to last week's question... if you are it was "Golden fish bowl."  
Tim Wheatley