Rotary Log for meeting of January 25, 2018
By Suzanne Rapoza
Photos by: Sara Treacy
This week we were greeted by Rich Ryzman who also led us in the four way test. Al Lantinen was the songmeister and John Lyons gave a lovely invocation.
Guests included District Governor Dave’s wife Linda.
Also visiting, among others, was Joe Pace, a guest of President Ben. Joe won the 50/50 and graciously donated his prize money back to the club.
We had time for Happy Dollars where many Rotarians were celebrating their children’s successes. It is also safe to say that “unhappy dollars” should not be allowed!  Following all this, Ann Richter was put on seven day notice.
Club Announcements.
Ben reminded us of the fundraiser coming up this Friday, February 2nd at the Atlantic Grill from 5-7pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend along with family and friends. The event will help fund the October Rotaplast trip that our club is sponsoring…District Governor Dave is looking for a volunteer to help with a mysterious four week district project…Ben then announced club anniversaries. There were too many to list. However, January must be a popular time to join Rotary. The group could boast more than 340 years of service!
Priscilla MacInnis introduced our newest Rotarian, Laura Barker. Back in November, you’ll recall, Laura gave us that wonderful Hero Pups presentation. Remember the puppies? Our adorable guests that day!  We are lucky to have Laura join our Club.
The Program.
Cleo introduced this week’s speaker, Jennifer Desrosiers. Jennifer is an entrepreneur, yoga instructor and founder/CEO of two businesses. She promotes holistic approaches and has a long work history in management and leadership.
She started her presentation by asking everyone to have a “soul shifting moment” by centering ourselves. This was so that we would be focused on the present. She then told us her story. In 2012, Jennifer was attending a yoga instructor training weekend. There, she was asked, “Is it true?” This simple question allowed her to examine her own potential and broaden her comfort zone.
Jennifer soon began her first business venture with Wild Adventurous Life and then the Laney and Lu Café in Exeter. She explained that her café experienced unrest and high turnover. That made her reflect on her leadership abilities. This led her to become a “heart-centered” leader. The change turned around work culture at the restaurant. Jennifer wrapped up, explaining the seven steps to becoming a heart-centered leader. Here they are:
1 Start with Why and connect with what ignites your fire.
2. Get down to basics: safety and clarity.
3. Create a strong sense of belonging.
4. Do unto yourself as you do unto others.
5. Clean out the corners of your life.
6. Break the cycle and unlearn what does not serve your evolution.
7. Bushwhack when needed and listen to your intuition.
It was a presentation that certainly gave everyone something to think about.
Respectfully submitted, Suzanne Rapoza