Charities in Michigan earn approximately $17 million annually through charitable gaming fundraisers. This money is used to further their charitable mission, resulting in a wide variety of much needed services being provided to countless individuals.
Despite this, there are numerous organizations and individuals who are opposed to charities conducting these types of fundraisers. Reasons for this opposition vary. Some are opposed to gaming for moral and philosophical reasons, others are for-profit organizations competing for the gaming revenue.
Charities need to work together to counter this opposition. One of the most effective ways to do this is through a letter to your legislator.
Click Read more for a sample letter:
Letters to the Senate, House of Representatives and the Governor
Recent events at the Capitol have brought to our attention that it is imperative that the charities continue to contact their Senators and Representatives and the Governor to let them know about the services your organization provides to the community and  how devastating these rules will be to your organization.
A Sample Letter to Your Legislator:
Dear Senator/Representative/Governor:
I am a member of the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North. I am opposed to the new rules being submitted by the Michigan Gaming Control Board Executive Director Richard Kalm.
I urge the legislature to take action to stop these rules from being enacted.
Our ORGANIZATION conducts (4) charitable events per year.  We raise typically $2500 per event.  With these funds we provide the following services to Ann Arbor residents, to Washtenaw County residents and in support of international projects:
1. Supporting the children of the Green Baxter Court Housing Project through backpack drives, holiday gift drives and in the assistance of re-housing families displaced by the 2013 fire.
2. Contributions to the Boy Scotts, Nancy Perry Nursery School, Big Hearts for Seniors, Meals on Wheels
3. Ongoing support of the Butterfly Garden at Gallup Park.
Our support to these organizations would be dramatically reduced if we cannot raise funds through our Millionaire Party events.  This would be terrible for Michigan’s citizens who rely on organizations like ours to fill in the gaps where the state cannot or will not provide assistance.  
Here is a link to find your legislators:
Please copy the Governor on any letter you send to the legislature. His address is:
Governor Rick Snyder
PO Box 30013
Lansing, MI 48909