Posted by Barb Bottitta on Apr 11, 2018
Finally, it seems Spring has arrived - let's hope it stays.
The Board of Director's reviewed the revised/updated bylaws at this week's meeting and made changes that will be incorporated.  These will be presented to Club members at our May 4th meeting.
LAST CALL to register for the District Conference in Reading on 4/28/18.  So far, I know that Marci Schick will be attending on Saturday  with me and my husband, Lou.  Anyone who wishes to attend  ($99 for the day, including dinner) will be reimbursed by the Club for the entire registration fee.  If anyone wants to ride with us, please let me know.
For those volunteering for the tree planting project (which is also on Saturday, 4/28), please park in the Parks Dept lot on Chew St.
I hope we have a strong turnout for this Friday's speaker.  Jay Geiger has arranged for Dr. Brian Mello, Assoc. Prof at Muhlenberg for 4/13 to speak about Turkey and the Mid-East.   Jay says he’s sat in on Mello’s classes and found him interesting.   Here is some background info on Dr. Mello:
Political Science

Dr. Mello’s areas of study include comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and the politics of social movements. Dr. Mello’s research focuses generally on politics in Europe and in the Middle East, and in particular on Turkish politics. Dr. Mello is currently working on a research project that applies insights from feminist IR theory to explore changing public support for US military intervention against the Islamic State. 

His past research examined such subjects as the impact of labor movement activism in Turkey, Great Britain, the United States and Japan; international norms of women’s rights as human rights; the affect of civil-military relations on Islamic politics in Turkey; the causes and consequences of the Arab Spring; and ways to understand the symbolic meaning of Islamic State violence.

For Dr Mello's Muhlenberg College website bio, click here.