Contact: Ellen Kern
Bell Hall
United States of America

The Foundation's annual meeting will be held on October 5, 2018 at the regularly scheduled ARC club meeting.  Don Bernhard and Ibi Balog will stand for election at the October meeting.  The revided Foundation bylaws will be reviewed and up for approval vote as well.  Please make every effort to attend and vote.


The Annual Meeting of the Allentown Rotary Club Foundation (the Foundation) shall be held Friday, October 5, 2018 at 12:00 o’clock noon at the Bell Hall restaurant, 612 Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101.
The purpose of the meeting is to:
1. Elect
  • Ibi Balog, who has been serving as an appointee, to serve her first elected 3-year term
  • Don Bernhard, who is completing his first elected term, to serve a second 3-year term
2. Advise the membership that:
  • Bill Hacker, Lisa Luciano and Jamie Kratz have been appointed to fill unexpired terms.
3. Amend the By-laws of the Foundation as follows:
   a.  Prohibit voting by proxy.
   b.  Permit the Foundation Secretary to be an ex-officio voting member of the Board.
   c.  Permit the Foundation Treasurer to be an ex-officio voting member of the Board.
   d.  Amend the names of the Community Service and Scholarship Committees of the Foundation.
4.  Inform the membership of the Foundation’s preceding year's activities and the status of the Foundation’s accounts and finances.
5.  Inform the membership of the financial needs of the Foundation and the means to improve those finances.
6.  Consider such other matters, consistent with the Foundation By-laws, as may come before the meeting.
