Posted by Melinda Osburn
On Saturday, Oct 23rd 2021, the World should be Celebrating/ and creating even more awareness for Polio Plus!!!  Why?!?!?!
The “Plus” in PolioPlus of course!
The Plus is the infrastructure that Rotary has created and supported for decades that is not only fighting Polio, but is ALSO fighting COVID-19, and many other diseases that can be avoided through vaccines!!!
Yes, Polio Plus’s infrastructures is Key to fighting COVID in many parts of the world. If you world like more information on this Please invite Dr.Kelly Barr to speak to your club.
Plan to hold a fund raiser of some sort to raise outside dollars for Polio Plus so Rotary can finish off polio for good and continue to serve our planet by fighting COVID-19 and many other deadly diseases using the very same proven infrastructure and labs we’ve been supporting for decades.
Together we can stand strong and fight any disease we have a vaccine for. The World needs us now more than even to raise funds for The Plus in Polio Plus. Together we can stop the spread of COVID too.
Please PDG Melinda Osburn or Dr. Kelly Barr to schedule Dr. Kelly Barr to come speak to your club.