Posted by Don Sword on Dec 08, 2017
We Rotarians are, by and large, a pretty privileged bunch. Most of us are free to choose any menu item at our favourite restaurant, relishing the pleasure and freedom of dining out. Unfortunately, far too many within our district don't have that option. Their option may be whether to buy groceries or to pay rent. No one should have to make such a choice.
According to Food Banks Canada, the numbers for our district are jarring. In March 2016, food banks in Newfoundland and Labrador assisted 26,366 people (37.3% were children). For Nova Scotia the number was 23,840 (30.4% children). For Prince Edward Island the number was 3, 370 (35.5% chldren).
The need is all year round but at this time of year the need is particularly great.
Rotarians throughout our District are doing their part. Whether it is donating turkeys, doing a food drive or volunteering at their local food bank, the new Rotary Public Image tagline of Rotary: People of Action perfectly fits what Rotarians in D7820 are doing to address hunger in our local communities.
For example, the photo above illustrates how Wolfville Mud Creek Rotary assists the Woolfville Area Food Bank (WAFB) by unloading the Feed NS truck every other week. In December the club, along with members of Acadia Rotaract, will be receiving turkeys ðŸ¦ƒ, taking them to a nearby walk-in freezer and then returning them to the WAFB in mid December to be placed in food hampers for food bank patrons.
This sort of "Service Above Self" occurs across our district. Thank you to all who volunteer or donate. 
But please don't forget that of all the things one can donate to a food bank, one of the best choices is cash. Cash is easy to handle and store and never goes to waste. Your food bank can often use that cash to make a bulk buy of what is the most needed items at a discount price.