Did you know that 80% of prospective members decide on their first visit whether they will join your club?
First impressions are critical.
Think about your club – is there a friendly and welcoming atmosphere? Do you make special efforts to ensure a guest is introduced and looked after during the whole of the meeting? Is your meeting fun? Does your meeting convey a sense of purpose, about what do you do and why do you do it? People join, and remain, members of a club, because they get something in return.
It may be friendships and social connections, or the opportunity to serve others. It may be a sense of achievement. These are important needs that Rotary can provide. But it is a package deal. People will not join if the club is not welcoming, and they will not stay if they do not make friends and build connections. Rotary has a host of materials to assist you to strengthen your club. I recommend undertaking the Club Health Check. This will help you to identify your club’s strengths and weaknesses, and where changes may be required. It may also be very useful to seek an outside opinion or assistance. … 
Excerpts from an article by IPDG Ron Degenhart, District Membership Chair, District 9550 DG Newsletter, August 2020 edition …