ClubRunner for RCSJSV
Dec 11, 2015
Lou Bash
ClubRunner for RCSJSV

Lou came by his fascination for "all things computers" honestly.  He crafted his first electromagnet when he was 5 and built his first radio with copper wire, a cardboard tube, a graphite pencil and a safety pin when he was 12. His first computer used 1k bytes of core memory back when Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce were forming NM Electronics (which later bacame Intel).

Today, Lou provides web development and support services as IT Manager with Cinequest where they produce San Jose's best known film festival. Lou has been the Club's webmaster for the last 5 years He was responsible for weaving ClubRunner services into our website.

This will be a live presentation with Q&A as we go. Bring your laptop and follow along or just watch the show. Lou wants to demystify ClubRunner for you

  • What can I do with ClubRunner?
  • How is ClubRunner different from our website?
  • Where do I login to ClubRunner?
  • What is my user profile?