Pork is a healthy choice for any meal.

Meeting was called to order at 12.10pm by President Schoenhofer

Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and Four Way Test were lead Bob Fett and Dale Lewellen

Fellowship was led by Judge Warren with a harmonious rendition of “Take me out to the ball game” by the club, followed by a baseball quiz. However the President had to admonish Judge Warren for taking too long!

Membership Committee Report – Cindy Wood gave an update on the committee and encouraged members to think about possible new members. Important to make sure that we help President Mike attain his membership goal for the year.

President Mike thanked all who had their names place in nomination for the Board and congratulated Peggy Ehora, David Frost and Anne Decker for being selected.

Brief update was provided by Guiding Light (recipient of a grant from the Foundation) as to how the money was being used. The agency is just completing its first year in operation and is a Maternity Home for young women. They have served 124 girls and have been able purchase computers, curriculum and will aslo assist with the cost of licensure. Many of the girls are out on their own and able to support themselves.

President Mike reminded the club that this is 99th year anniversary for the Lima Rotary Club.


Dave Collins introduced Dwayne Stateler who owns a pig farm with approximately 7200 hogs. He spoke about the many changes that have occurred in this business. He is a fifth generation farmer and in the early years all the pigs were kept outdoors, now they are inside where they can control the environment more and ensure higher levels of health and manage the feeding of the animals more consistently. He stressed the importance of disease control and that only those who work on the farm can go inside. Showering by personnel is an important protocol that is strictly followed. Today pork is much leaner and he aims to have his pigs attain 275 lbs in weight before going to market. He hopes to have three litters per year from his sows. Last year he had 16,000 pigs.

The pork industry has now moved to using the same name for each cut as the beef industry uses. This will help the customer know what part of the carcass the cut came from. Cooking tips include reaching a temperature of 145F and slightly pink and let it stand for 15 minutes.

Ohio is the 6th largest producer of pork in the country.


Meeting was adjourned at 1pm.