Posted by Anne Decker on Jun 16, 2022
Here are the highlights from the June 14th board meeting.
Call to Order                                                                                                               Jeff Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 11:37 A.M. with the following board members present:
Jeff Fitzgerald, Keith Horner, Carol Buettner, Lesley Fry, John Ficorilli, Joel Mengerink, Derek Stemen, Elizabeth Brown-Ellis, Andy Wannemacher, Andy Farley. Also, Secretary Anne Decker, Demi Burden and Tim Stanford were present.
Secretary’s Report                                                                                                     Anne Decker
Approval of the May 10, 2022 Board Minutes
Farley made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2022 meeting as submitted. Buettner seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance report for May 2022 
One new member joined the club and no members resigned.  Membership is up 3 for the year. May attendance was 44.93%. The month ended with 138 active members and 5 honorary members.             
President’s Report                                                                                                     Jeff Fitzgerald
Dues Increase
The Lima Rotary Club is considering a dues increase due to rising expenses including those from Milano’s, Civic Center and Rotary International The last dues increase was in 2018. Horner made a motion to increase dues by $25 per member per quarter beginning in July 2022. Buettner seconded the motion. Board approved.
Changing of the Guard
Changing of the Guard is scheduled for June 27th at the City Club. 79 reservations have been made at this point.
Reverse Raffle Recap
All 200 tickets for the Jay Begg Reverse Raffle on June 2 were sold. Initial indications are that the club will net about $7,000 from the raffle. Cat Sarno has stated that she no longer wants to be involved and she was responsible for a number of ticket sales. Discussion was held about whether the raffle should be held in the future or if the format should be changed. A debriefing meeting will be scheduled in July.
Social Meeting
The next Rotary Social will be July 20 at Russ & Anne Decker’s house.
Lima Locos
The Lima Rotary Club will hold Rotary night at the Locos on July 14. The sponsorship, including reservation of the party patio, is $300 and includes at least 25 tickets. Anne Decker will contact Tim Clark to arrange the outing and get the tickets to Burden for distribution.
New Treasurer Discussion
Dan Best will stay on as club treasurer until new treasurer is found. He has had ongoing discussions with Tracey Regula about her or someone in her accounting firm taking over the duties. She is considering it.
Board Reports                                                                                                            All Board Members
Empowering Girls Committee
Fry reported that the Empowering Girls Committee is focusing on providing reusable feminine hygiene products to girls who need them. They are also working with the Girl Scouts to support existing programs and are helping with Beauty By Jill’s upcoming Beauty Bootcamp. The committee will apply for Rotary international grant when available.
Polio Plus
Horner and Stemen reported that the club is close to reaching its $5,000 goal. They will get final numbers and see what we need to do to reach the goal before June 30.
Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing
Wannemacher reported that the golf outing is August 17 at Hidden Creek Golf Center. So far, 21 teams have signed up and 30 hole sponsorships have been sold.
Treasurer’s Report                                                                                                     Jeff Fitzgerald
In the absence of Treasurer Dan Best, Fitzgerald reviewed information from the financial reports. The club’s total income year to date is $88,796.10, slightly above the same period last year. The club’s YTD expenses are $88, 280.61, leaving the club with a net income of $515.49, down $15,469.52 from the same period last year. Brown-Ellis made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Wannemacher seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business
Anne Decker reported that Lima Fire Chief Andy Heffner has submitted an application for membership to the Lima Rotary Club. Buettner made a motion to approve his application. Fry seconded the motion. Board approved.
Anne Decker reported that Salvation Army Major Jeffrey Stacey has tendered his resignation to the club due to his relocation to Springfield, Ohio. Allen County Sanitary Engineer Steve Kayatin has also tendered his resignation due to his retirement. Farley made a motion to accept the resignations with regret. Brown-Ellis seconded the motion. Board approved. Fitzgerald will reach out to their replacements and see if they would like to join the club.
Fitzgerald read a letter of resignation from Secretary Rita Brown. Brown suggested that she continue to serve as the club’s executive secretary and help organize scholarships. All agreed that the club wants Brown to stay involved and appreciates her vast amount of Rotary knowledge. Horner made a motion to appoint Anne Decker as club secretary and keep Rita Brown as executive secretary. Fry seconded the motion. Board approved.
Fitzgerald reported that we have sold more than half the tickets for the Jerry Lucas Buckeye photo raffle. The winner will be drawn at Changing of the Guard. Half the funds raised will stay with the club and half will go to Lucas’s educational program.
Motion To Adjourn
Farley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:35pm.