Posted by David Hayford on Aug 03, 2017
Ada Thimke greeted members and guests with great enthusiasm. Even I received a warm and enthusiastic welcome - something I am not used to.
Greeter Ada
Ada provided an inspirational reflection and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Michael Rust returned to introduce guests. No joke. 
Carlos Rioja, PDG of the Lima, Peru Rotary Club, and long-time friend of our Club, was a gust of John Vette. Carlos spent time in Oshkosh in the past working for Oshkosh Corp. Ron Lindgren of the Fond du Lac Club joined us.
John Vette, Carlos Riejo, cookie server Tom Willadsen, and Teresa VanAacken
Today, being the last Monday of the month, required the drawing for the 50/50 Raffle, Shockingly, neither John Fuller nor Dave Sennholz claimed the prize. The happy winner?
Darryl Sims
Congrats to the WINNER