Posted by David Hayford on Aug 03, 2017
President John Fuller announced Happy Dollars during his presidential year will go to Project Search, which assists children with cognitive disorders, and Project Hope, which helps children with behavioral issues.  Both are projects within the Oshkosh Area School District.
Sue Panek was happy about a United Way booth, though I must admit I missed all the detail. But then Sue is always happy.
Michael Cooney is happy (1) about the birth of his second grandchild, and (b) about a partnership between the South Park Farmers' Market and the Boys and Girls Club. Members of the B/G Club were given $10 in SNAP funds to spend on HEALTHY food. There were 8 participants the first week, which sky-rocketed to 34 last week.
Teresa VanAaken was happy for two reasons. First, Evan had successful lung surgery last week. No more cancer. Second, her daughter moved to California recently and found a job at FaceBook.
Darryl Sims is smiling about winning the drawing.
The winner!!
Lori Renning announced the next blood drive at Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church is August 7th. She also proudly announced that her daughter competed in national teirling competition. She was 20th best in the country for twirling, 14th for strut, and 4th for solo. Hope I got those details right.
Karen Schibline celebrated het 39th wedding anniversary.
Dave Sennholz mentioned he met a former Rotary scholarship winner at EAA.
Dick Campbell donated the proceeds of a history presentation he made at the King Veterans' Home.
 Kathy Propp donated the proceed from and EAA housing guest.