About a third of our members have 100% attendance.   We know it can be difficult to make it to our meeting every week; you can receive make-ups for meetings in two ways:

1. Attend another Rotary meeting. Whether you are on vacation or in a different part of the Cities, you can attend any club. You will pay for your meal there and receive a make-up slip. Bring that to club, and you will receive a credit on your next bill as well as an attendance make-up.

2. Participate in a Rotary service event such as bell ringing, Hockey Day Rotary tent volunteer, Lake Elmo tutoring, STRIVE program, etc. Come to club and make a note that you volunteered, and you will receive an attendance credit.

This is a great way to showcase what our members are doing and allow you to work toward a 100% attendance pin at the annual picnic in June.